-Saturday October 14th

Online Parallel Sessions and Meetings

*All times in the schedule are Eastern Daylight Time (PDT)

UTC Offset: UTC -4 

8.30 - 10.00 - Parallel Sessions C

French language session 1 (hybrid)

Classroom B

Moderator: Cyndie Sautereau (Cégep Limoilou à Québec)

Expliquer l’inimaginable à partir de la pensée de Paul Ricœur

Azadeh Thiriez-Arjangi (Fonds Ricœur) [in person]

L’attestation comme fidélité créatrice chez Ricœur

Marjolaine Deschênes (Collège Montmorency, Laval, Quebec) [in person]

Note: a second hybrid, French language session will follow in the same room and with the same Zoom meeting ID at the 10:15-11:45 timeslot.


Classroom A

Moderator: Cristal Huang (Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan)

Debates between Ricœur and Levinas on Ethical Subjectivity

Andrew Hung (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) [online]

Rethinking Personal Identity: The Challenge of Neuroenhancement & Paul Ricœur’s Contribution

Sara Fernandes (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) [online]

Exploring the Otherness of Oneself between Narrative Identity, Cultural Memory and Interculturality – A Theoretical Polylogue among Paul Ricœur, Jan Assmann and Franz Martin Wimmer

Hsueh-i Chen (National Taiwan Normal University) [in person] 

Cyberspace and the Hermeneutics of Utopia: Narrative Practices between the Myth of Science and Science Fiction

Kevin Chaves (Santa Clara University, CA) [in person]

Session C.3 (In-Person)

Graduate/New Scholars Session 3 (in person)

Classroom C

Moderator: Charles Sharp (California State University, Fullerton)

“Our-self as Another?” Understanding the Development of Narrative Identity in Ecclesial Base Communities through the Lens of Paul Ricœur

Héctor Acero Ferrer (Institute for Christian Studies) [in person]

A Ricœurian Reading of Manfredo Tafuri’s Architectural Theory: From Critique of Ideology to Hermeneutics of History

Vincent Yuxin Qiu (Clemson University School of Architecture) [in person]

Filmic Experience and the Non-Autonomy of Film Worlds through Ricœur’s Hermeneutics

Jeronimo Ayesta (Boston College) [in person]

10.15 - 11.45 - Parallel Sessions D

Session D.1 (In-Person)

Classroom C

Moderator: Michael Deckard (Lenoir-Rhyne University)

The Depth Dimension of Ricœur's Philosophy of Imagination

George Taylor (University of Pittsburgh) [in person]

Ricœur, Jaeggi, and the Critique of Forms of Life

Robert Piercey (Campion College at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan) [in person]

The Gift of Power

Roger W. H. Savage (University of California, Los Angeles) [in person]

Teaching Under the Rule of Metaphor

Ilya Zrudlo (Queen’s University in Kingston) [in person]


Classroom A

Moderator: Fernando Nascimento (Bowdoin College)

Social Stupidity and Its Hermeneutical Antidote

Dan Stiver (Logsdon School of Theology, Hardin-Simmons University) [online]

Techne as Phronesis: Ricœur, Crafting Practices, and Phronetic Training

Anna Mudde (Campion College at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan) [in person]

Being Digital Citizens in a Datafied Society: Rights, Responsibilities and Recognition

Guido Gorgoni (University of Padua, Italy) [online]

Who is the Subject of Recognition? Ricœur’s Institutional Hermeneutics

Andrew Tebbutt (Trinity Christian College) [in person]

French language Session 2 - (hybrid)

Classroom B

Moderator: Azadeh Thiriez-Arjangi (Fonds Ricœur)

L'herméneutique de Ricœur appliquée à la Géographie humaine : paysage et interprétation

Martinho Soares (Centre d'Études Classiques et Humanistiques, Université de Coimbra) [online]

Une nouvelle solution du moment critique de l'herméneutique de Ricœur : l'imagination dans la dialectique d'idéologie et d'utopie

Grażyna Lubowicka (Universite de Wrocław, Poland) [online]

Autrement que savoir. Raison pratique et pratique de la raison dans la philosophie Ricœurienne de l’action 

Samuel Lelièvre (EHESS/Centre d'étude des mouvements sociaux) [online]

13.45 - 15.15 - Parallel Panels 3


Classroom A 

Moderator: Ronald Kuipers (President, Institute for Christian Studies)

Panel Title: Re-Reading Martin Buber’s “I and Thou” with Paul Ricœur—

100 Years Later!

James Moore (Valparaiso University) [online]

Joseph Edelheit (St. Cloud State University) [in person]


Classroom C 

Moderator: David Utsler (North Central Texas College)

Panel Title: Paul Ricœur and Reflexive Philosophy

What is Reflexive Philosophy?

David Pellauer (DePaul University) [in person]

Paul Ricœur and the Genealogy of French Reflexive Philosophy

Michael Johnson (Concordia College (Moorhead, MN)) [in person]

Respondent: Scott Davidson (West Virginia University) [in person]


Business Meeting (Classroom C)

Zoom Link-B

17.00 - 18.30 - Parallel Sessions E


Classroom C

Moderator: Samuel Underwood (Memorial University of Newfoundland)

Life after (Narrative) Identity: Violence, Reconciliation and Auto-affectivity

James L. Taylor (European Center for the Study of War and Peace) 

[in person]

Toward an Ontology of Peace: Reading Ricœur with Augustine

Brian Gregor (Philosophy Department, California State University, Dominguez Hills) [in person]

Should We Forgive and Forget? The Philippine Martial Law Trauma and the Demands of Memorial Recognitions

Adrian V. Remodo (Ateneo de Naga University, Philippines) [online] 

Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Reflections on Bento Rodrigues based on Paul Ricoeur

René Dentz (Université Catholique Pontificale de Minas Gerais, Brazil) [online]

Graduate/New Scholars Session 4 (hybrid)

Classroom A

Moderator: Kevin Chaves (Santa Clara University, CA)

The practical dimension of forgiveness as a peaceful mode of recognition

Michal Kumorek (Pontifical University of Krakow) [in person]

Who is the Subject of Freedom?

Onur Kokerer (Duquesne University) [in person]

Responsibility and the Summons of Others

Renxiang Liu (Tsinghua University, Beijing) [in person]